Military Family Life 101

When it comes to family, military spouses and significant others have what can seem like the most difficult, rewarding, terrible, wonderful, gut-wrenching, incredible job: holding down the home front.
It’s not an easy task — but it’s not impossible. Yes, you can keep your relationship healthy and help your kids have great, well-adjusted childhoods. Yes, you can be a whole, happy person.
We have the tools to help you make it happen.
Military life can be very stressful on families. Long separations, frequent moves, inconsistent training schedules, late nights in the office and the toll of mental and physical injuries on both the service member and the family can all add up over time.
The spouse team knows that making it in the military isn’t just a matter of willpower. It’s about arming yourself with the tools and knowledge of the best tips and tricks for military happiness. It’s about knowing what your resources are and using them.
Marriage and Relationships
We know that being married to a service member is not easy. And so do officials at the Defense Department. That’s why they’ve set up a host of free marriage and personal counseling options for spouses and service members to use. You can find out more about those here.
Or maybe what you need is just some really good advice on building a positive relationship with your spouse or making your marriage last. Check out our section focused on military marriage.
Looking for straight shooting advice? You want to talk to’s own relationship columnist, Ms. Vicki.
Kids and Parenting
Being a parent is hard. Being a military parent is harder. Every day, our children handle with strength the incredible stress of deployments and frequent moves. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give them a little help along the way.
We know you need help with parenting, too. That’s why we have The Must-Have Parent, a place where columnist Rebekah Sanderlin talks about navigating the job of being the only parent consistently at home. You can also look to us for advice on being a military parent.
Sometimes it just doesn’t work. We’ve got help for that, too.
Thinking about divorce? Carefully consider where to file and whether there are any Uniform Code of Military Justice facets to consider.